As the political messiah prepares for his probable victory in 6 day's I thought I'd pose a few questions to Barack supporters. These are simply questions designed to enable you to not feel silly 10-20 years down the road. Here are a few of his idea's and personal annoyances that I feel will cause a slight flushed feeling across your cheeks (perhaps comments like..."yeah...I don't never can tell" etc) when asked about voting for this years Democrat presidential nominee...years in the future. I will oversimplify mostly but I don't want you to skip the post. For my critics don't worry, I will also post your take on the messiahs platforms.
1. "I'm going to give 95% of Americans tax cuts and will increase tax's on those making over $250,000" Obama.
Obama supporters reaction: This is justified. The wealth gap in America is only getting wider and I'm sick of seeing tax cuts given out to the wealthy. This "trickle down" economy Conservatives talk about should be called "trickle down my leg" because it's not fair.
Translation: I will take from those that have more and will give that money to those that have less.
Reality: If you go after the engine of the U.S. economy (Small and Large business's who make over $250k a year) and raise their tax's, then redistribute that money to the lower and middle class, you are not helping anyone. In fact you are hurting everyone. Let me explain. First of all successful business owners are not stupid. They will adapt. They will hire fewer people, invest less and consider out-sourcing much more. Hard to argue this is a good thing. Also the people of Sherwood Forest (Robin Hoods and me...employees) will have a harder time finding a good job because business's are hiring less, and I doubt you can expect any raises anytime soon. Why else is this approach assinine? Please people, who owns these companies? You know the ones your politicians love to rail on...Walmart, Exon Mobile etc. News flash, they are publicly traded companies, (most big ones are) if you attack a company you are attacking millions of Americans 401(k)s, IRA's and pension plans. Perfect example; Exon Mobile is the most widely held stock in Americans retirement plans. So those "obscene" profits help boost the stock value of millions of us. Is that such an evil thing?
Obama fans will argue that his plan is still more "fair" to more of the masses. That may be the case if your definition of the word "fair" results in all of us being equally poor. You see in a free market capitalistic society you can only have two outcomes with redistribution of wealth. Either we are all equally poor or we are all unequally rich. Thats just a fact. I just happen to feel that the definition of the word "fair" is to frankly have the government stay the heck out of our lives and pocket books. Obama's plan is nothing more than trickle up poverty. He's a fresh face who is fun to listen too but his policies are rehashed democratic socialism at it's best. If you still feel he can make it work look at the countries around the world that have tried the wealth redistribution approach. Basically anyone in Europe and South America. For a real recent example look specifically at what this socialistic approach has done to Argentina's economy over the last few years. We've seen this movie before...we know the ending.
Obama supporters response: Maybe we should be more like these other countries, after all France is frankly awesome and south America seems so quant.
Reality: All of these countries struggle with very high unemployment, low gross domestic product (which means they don't make a lot of stuff to sell unless it's plastic toys...for the most part). The US has by far the strongest economy in the world, hands down. You and I take this for granted every day of our lives. So the question I have for you is. Why try a failed recipe to fix something that is not broken?
Another question: will looking back at this global warming alarmism in 10-20 years feel a little like looking at high school year book pictures. You know the ones with the "claw" (ladies) or the Patrick Swayze look (guys)?
Reality: The wheels are falling off the man made global warming train...get off while you still have your dignity.
On that note. Please people, you live in a fairytale land if you think you'll live to see the day when gas and petroleum products are not used in massive quantities in the U.S and around the world. If you do then I have an exercise for you to try. Look left...then look right. You see all the plastic surrounding you?...yep...petroleum. Do you feel the heat coming out of the vents?..natural gas or electricity, derived by coal or oil provides that. You see the food on the kitchen table?...How do you think it got there? Better yet, how was it grown? Do you think it was hand planted and hand picked? Please let's not be energy discriminatory. After all, that would be politically incorrect.
Frankly we need it all and more...for the rest of our lives.
When can I start watching T.V again?
Reality: If you are on T.V your chances of having Obama mania are about's getting old. Every person on Dave Letterman to Ellen to Oprah get the point. Google the phrase "media bias". It will reveal "journalists" are 5 times more likely to deem themselves liberal than conservative. How am I supposed to avoid having this hype shoved down my throat by scours of retarded people on T.V.?
Who will be the brunt of thousands of T.V personalities jokes?
Reality: With Bush gone who will provide all the new material...expect a high rate of unemployment applications in the comedian and T.V personality circles. But don't worry...they will be treated "fairly" Obama will have a check to them soon. Thank the Lord...I mean Thank Obama.
I'm done.
1. "I'm going to give 95% of Americans tax cuts and will increase tax's on those making over $250,000" Obama.
Obama supporters reaction: This is justified. The wealth gap in America is only getting wider and I'm sick of seeing tax cuts given out to the wealthy. This "trickle down" economy Conservatives talk about should be called "trickle down my leg" because it's not fair.
Translation: I will take from those that have more and will give that money to those that have less.
Reality: If you go after the engine of the U.S. economy (Small and Large business's who make over $250k a year) and raise their tax's, then redistribute that money to the lower and middle class, you are not helping anyone. In fact you are hurting everyone. Let me explain. First of all successful business owners are not stupid. They will adapt. They will hire fewer people, invest less and consider out-sourcing much more. Hard to argue this is a good thing. Also the people of Sherwood Forest (Robin Hoods and me...employees) will have a harder time finding a good job because business's are hiring less, and I doubt you can expect any raises anytime soon. Why else is this approach assinine? Please people, who owns these companies? You know the ones your politicians love to rail on...Walmart, Exon Mobile etc. News flash, they are publicly traded companies, (most big ones are) if you attack a company you are attacking millions of Americans 401(k)s, IRA's and pension plans. Perfect example; Exon Mobile is the most widely held stock in Americans retirement plans. So those "obscene" profits help boost the stock value of millions of us. Is that such an evil thing?
Obama fans will argue that his plan is still more "fair" to more of the masses. That may be the case if your definition of the word "fair" results in all of us being equally poor. You see in a free market capitalistic society you can only have two outcomes with redistribution of wealth. Either we are all equally poor or we are all unequally rich. Thats just a fact. I just happen to feel that the definition of the word "fair" is to frankly have the government stay the heck out of our lives and pocket books. Obama's plan is nothing more than trickle up poverty. He's a fresh face who is fun to listen too but his policies are rehashed democratic socialism at it's best. If you still feel he can make it work look at the countries around the world that have tried the wealth redistribution approach. Basically anyone in Europe and South America. For a real recent example look specifically at what this socialistic approach has done to Argentina's economy over the last few years. We've seen this movie before...we know the ending.
Obama supporters response: Maybe we should be more like these other countries, after all France is frankly awesome and south America seems so quant.
Reality: All of these countries struggle with very high unemployment, low gross domestic product (which means they don't make a lot of stuff to sell unless it's plastic toys...for the most part). The US has by far the strongest economy in the world, hands down. You and I take this for granted every day of our lives. So the question I have for you is. Why try a failed recipe to fix something that is not broken?
Another question: will looking back at this global warming alarmism in 10-20 years feel a little like looking at high school year book pictures. You know the ones with the "claw" (ladies) or the Patrick Swayze look (guys)?
Reality: The wheels are falling off the man made global warming train...get off while you still have your dignity.
On that note. Please people, you live in a fairytale land if you think you'll live to see the day when gas and petroleum products are not used in massive quantities in the U.S and around the world. If you do then I have an exercise for you to try. Look left...then look right. You see all the plastic surrounding you?...yep...petroleum. Do you feel the heat coming out of the vents?..natural gas or electricity, derived by coal or oil provides that. You see the food on the kitchen table?...How do you think it got there? Better yet, how was it grown? Do you think it was hand planted and hand picked? Please let's not be energy discriminatory. After all, that would be politically incorrect.
Frankly we need it all and more...for the rest of our lives.
When can I start watching T.V again?
Reality: If you are on T.V your chances of having Obama mania are about's getting old. Every person on Dave Letterman to Ellen to Oprah get the point. Google the phrase "media bias". It will reveal "journalists" are 5 times more likely to deem themselves liberal than conservative. How am I supposed to avoid having this hype shoved down my throat by scours of retarded people on T.V.?
Who will be the brunt of thousands of T.V personalities jokes?
Reality: With Bush gone who will provide all the new material...expect a high rate of unemployment applications in the comedian and T.V personality circles. But don't worry...they will be treated "fairly" Obama will have a check to them soon. Thank the Lord...I mean Thank Obama.
I'm done.
One of the things I love about America is that it can produce such significant ranges in political thought. Between you, Jared, Laura, Erin and myself we have the tapestry of American political thought covered.
Now for some responses:
1. It didn't bother me, but Danielle says you need to brush up on when it is appropriate to use apostraphes.
2. Tax Policy: Calibrating tax rates is difficult, but some progression in rates is appropriate. The tax rates for the highest earners are lower than they have ever been since before the time of President Eisenhower.
Restoring the President Clinton rates will not deter the higher earners from working.
If Mr. Obama increased the rates significantly beyond the Clinton rates it would deter high income earners and encourage counterproductive tax shelters and the like. At this time at least Mr. Obama is only proposing a modest tax hike for the top 5% that would still leave them with tax rates lower than they have seen for almost every year since World War II.
2. I still have faith in global warming. We shall see what happens.
3. If financially feasible, we need some good old fashioned Keynesian stimulus to get us out of the coming recession.
Federal sponsered projects to develop solar and wind infrastructure might fit the bill.
4. Don't miss the 1/2 hour Obama infomercial. I won't.
5. I will be sad for Jon Stewart etc. President Bush and Dick Cheney were beautiful targets for their humor.
Ok So here is my 2 cents.
Adam, you mentioned that Obama will be raising taxes on individuals earning more than $200,000 a year (Couples $250,000), while at the same time providing a tax relief to 95% of americans. This tax proposition is much more than a mere calibration of taxes (such as happened under the Clinton administration). Here's why:
• The thing that gets me is not the tax raises but the supposed "tax cuts". The percentage of wage earning Americans which pay taxes is currently 60% to 70%. This places the working Americans with no tax obligations at 30% to 40%. How is cutting the taxes of 95% of Americans even possible?
The Washington Post explains it very clearly.
" More than $400 billion of the money over the next 10 years would take the form of refundable tax credits paid in cash to people who already pay no federal income tax." Not to mention the tax credits that will be given to those who do pay taxes but earn less than $200,000.
How will he fund these "tax cuts"? Not by cutting government spending, but by raising taxes on those of you (definitely not me) that earn more than$200,000. This is not tax calibration. This is deliberately taking money from those whom have earned it and giving it directly, in cash, to those who have not.
If these tax raises were spent on public works and infrastructure etc.. this would be a completely different story, but they are not. This tax policy could quite possibly turn into the greatest direct transfer of wealth that this country has ever seen.
Put aside your ambition, ingenuity and brains and get out your hammer and sickle because the 9 to 5 (if even that much) is all that is required for these hand outs.
I won't even get into the left's current support of the brazenly unconstitutional act of Judicial Legislation.
Helaman 4:12,13
Doc. & Cov. 56:16
Matt. 19:21-23
Mosiah 4:24
It's a higher law. I don't expect you to understand.
Laugh it off, we're all in for a hard ride. Genesis 41
Now I don't mean to turn poor Amy's blog into a political soap box, but Adam started it. Also, when confronted with scriptures I can not help but respond.
I tend not to mix my politics with religion but I read each of those scriptures and would like to say that I can not agree more with the principles which they contain. The question is this: Do you honestly believe that it is your governments job to enforce the doctrines contained in each of those scriptures?
If there is one thing we have learned from Hitler and Marx etc.. it is that utopian ideals can not be forced, they can only be felt. If I feel community, leave me free to choose community. If I feel charity, leave me free to choose charity. These are not principles of force and coercion. They never have been and never will be, nor do their precepts lie within the jurisdiction of governments.
Thomas Jefferson:
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."
So funny . . . true . . . scary. And Amy, since you were asking, I made the mummies with a Twinkie. Frost the Twinkie and then use a cake decor. tip with a flat head--sort of like you want to make a basket/weaved looked, and then two M&M's for the eyes. Hope that helps.
Hey Amy its jamie loosli hendricks. I found you through Shae! I love the Barack Obama stuff! Good job Adam! You're girls are adorable! My blog is private so email me ay and I'll invite you to mine. Its good to see you!
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