Friday, June 5, 2009

The graduate

Claire graduated from Melody Lane Preschool on Monday, May 18th. It didn't seem to phase her that it was the end of preschool for good, that she would NEVER go back. Me on the other hand, I had to hold back tears. How pathetic, to almost cry at PRESCHOOL graduation? The first day of kindergarten should be very interesting, indeed.

receiving her diploma

The class of 2022..... how weird is that?

proud sister

Whenever I would pick up Claire from school on a nice day when the kids were playing outside, I would always find her in this little house. It was her favorite toy on the playground, she loved it.

proud mama


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

you are just too cute! I would cry at that to. Congrats lil graduate!

Shena said...

You are so stinkin' cute! I'm with you. Almost every milestone brings on some tears. Go ahead and cry girl. You are MOM- it gives you the right! Kindergarten is hard, but so is 1st, and 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th. you get the idea. Can you believe I have a 4th grader. CRAZY! Stella looks like a Perkins BTW!

jordan said...

con-grads claire! moving on to kindergarten now!!

Brittany said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets teary eyed watching their babies grow up. I used the "very pregnant and hormonal" excuse when Dylan had his preschool graduation but I think that I would have shed a tear or two no matter what. Brittany

Jody said...

I cry at all of them too. Just wait until the first day of kindergarten. I was a mess... gut-wrenching sobs, mascara pouring down my face, you get the idea. Not a pretty picture.

Happy late b-day! I know what you mean about not looking forward to it - my 30th is is August and I'm dreading it. There's just something about saying that you're 30...

Jessica said...

How precious! I totally understand, I teared up when Marissa moved from the nursery to primary. Tell Claire congrats!